Now the new year has started I think its about time I did my Xmas Pressies Posts. I am going to split it up into 2 parts. As you can see this is going to be the Beauty Products I recieved, then the next one will be my Lush goodies. I didnt purchase any of these items myself. These were Christmas Presents. I will be giving my complete and honest views on these items. No company has sponsored me or asked me to do these blogposts.I recieved this Beautyuk Palette. I now have all 4 of these and I love them. I will be doing a review and overview of these at some point.
Next I recieved some items that I actually chose myself. These were things I have wanted to try for a long time but wasn't sure if I would like or use them. So i asked mum if she would keep them for my stocking.
Firstly the Collection 2000 Glam Crystals Glitter Liners, I'm not a huge fan of glitter but I have heard loads of good reviews on these on youtube so I wanted to give them a try. So far I am really impressed.
Next I choose 3 Collection 2000 Nail Polishes. I cant remember the names but I will do another post on these.
I saw the blue one and I thought it was such a pretty blue I had to have it.
The Green and the Yellow I got because I was curious about the colour and couldn't test in store. I have a feeling it was buy 2 get 1 free or something so I thought why not. I'm still not convinced on these I think i need to try them a few times before I decide if I like them or not.

Next were 5 more of the Colour Sensational Lipsticks by Maybelline.

I really do love these. Other than the fact the smell reminds me of Play dough. I own quite a few of them now
They are a close second to Mac Lipsticks in my opinion.I will do an overview and review at a later date.
The final beauty products I recieved were 3 Mac Products my dad got me.
He got me Melon Pigment. (This is 1 of my favourite pigments).
Then I got 1 of the brushes I wanted. The Mac 129. To be honest I Don't know why I wanted this. Other than the fact I want to compare it to one of my Elf brushes. I don't do face makeup very often (normally stick to eyes and lips.) But oh well a girl can never have too many makeup brushes.

And last but not least I recieved one of the many eyeshadows I put on my list. Beautiful Iris. It is a very pretty pale lilac grey colour. I've not tried this yet so I will let you know how i get on.

Well thats it for this post. Lush goodies coming soon and hopefully a shopping trip post.
I just want to end by saying I hope everyone had a great xmas and a Happy new year to you all. Let's hope for a great 2010.
Oooh, lovey Christmas haul there!