The only thing I would change about the Butterball is I would make them in a range of different colours...just to make the bath look less boring lol. (I know its silly but compared to all the bubble bars and pretty bath bombs.....the bath does look a bit dull with just this product.
However now I have a number of these it Allows me to experiment which is fun :).
Anyway...back to the the point of this post...MISTER Butterball.
As I mentioned earlier I had 2 of these. This actually worked out quite well because I felt I had to use both to get anything like the softness that I can get from using ONE butterball.
This is a nice product don't get me wrong. However in my opinion there is no need to rush out to get what's left of the Mister ButterBall, unless you want to do a review for yourself.
Would I buy this again? I'm not sure...I guess if I went in looking for a butterball and they had run out then yes this is a good second best BUT for every one butterball I would have bought I would need to buy 2 of the Mister Butterballs.
Well I think that's it for this review.
Sorry if it was a bit rubbish. If you think theres anything important I missed out let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed
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