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As you can see I bought quite a few nail varnishes, the OPI and China Glaze ones were from Sally's and Barrym I think was from Superdrug. I also managed to pick up few makeup bits that i had wanted to get for a while
Out of all the makeup I bought I love the MUA Lipstick and Lipgloss. They go really well as a pair.
The other thing I LOVE wasn't planned as I didn't even know it exsisted...The Fifth Beautyuk Palette. I had all the others so I had to get this one lol.
I actually do kind of regret one purchase though...I've seen on youtube the Loreal Superliner in Carbon Gloss has been very highly talked about. I made it my mission to get this and try it and I have to say I really didn't like it. :'(
Maybe it's just me and I need to give it more of a try before I write it off completely, but so far I would have to say this product is definitely way to overhyped. Have any of you tried this? If so I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. If you know of any special technique to get it to work please let me know lol.
Okay that's enough rambling for one night.
As you can see I've tried something different yet again with my haul posts. I thought I would try doing a picture slideshow of everything and add pictures to my blogposts for the main items i am loving or want to talk about. Let me know if you like this?
Thanks. I hope you Enjoyed :) x
Ooh, nice hauling!!