I have been to the Benefit counter a few times now and purchased a fair amount. I don’t have a massive Benefit collection but I love all the products I have tried so far.
If I had done a post on this company before now I would have had nothing bad to say about them...until now.
When I last went to my local benefit counter I knew I wanted to get the Creaseless Cream Shadow in ‘Skinny Jeans'. I did get this..... eventually...
On arrival at the counter I noticed there was ONE girl there. She was busy giving a customer a makeover. Now, maybe this is just my opinion but I feel that if they are going to offer makeovers to customers then there should be at least 2 MUA's on the counter, one to concentrate on doing the makeup and one to concentrate on serving the customers.
This would allow the lady having her makeup done to enjoy the experience without having to be interrupted and allow the person buying to have a pleasant experience as well.
Mum and I were quite happy browsing to start with so that was fine, but once I had decided to buy something we were told to ‘wait a minute’. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind waiting I just thought the way she said it was unprofessional.
Anyway...she eventually came over to me; I said I wanted to buy the Sugar Bomb boxed blush.
I then told her I wanted to get some others but I already owned Hoola and Coralista so I wanted to know what she recommended. Her reply SHOCKED me. She pointed to the Sugarbomb and said something like ‘well you have 2 blush colours and 2 bronze colours there plus the 2 you have already. It would be silly to buy more JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT!!!!!’ Then she proceeded to carry on with the makeover without asking if there was anything else I wanted.
She made me feel very small and childlike so I stupidly turned away from the blushes. I couldn’t wait to leave the counter but I was determined to get the cream eye shadow as I have been wanting it for a long time.
Of course this meant interrupting her again. Mum went up to her again, said ‘excuse me’ she was completely ignored. She had to say it twice.
When she finally found the shadow she handed it to me then carried on with the makeup. Any other shop assistants or MUA’s that I have spoken to ask if there is anything else i want... Not this girl... She didn’t even take our money!! We had to go to the main Debenhams counter to pay. I wouldn’t have minded doing this if none of the above had happened or she said ‘would u mind paying over there’ but as it was that was just another thing to add to the list of annoyances.
Mum did say to me not to go there anymore and to just order from them online but I don’t know. I have met so many nice people there I feel it would be a shame to write the whole counter off just because of that one girl. I may carry on going there, but if that lady is there then I’ll avoid the counter like the plague lol.
Okay rant over!!
I really like the products I got especially the cream eyeshadow. I will definitely be buying more of them in the future..If u want a review let me know.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Comment below if you have had similar experiences at counters / stores or if you have any recommendations from Benefit.
Thanks for reading and Hope you enjoyed
Personally I would ring up Debenhams and complain about her. Maybe she was having a bad day but that is not an excuse....she should be professional at her place of work. And she shouldn't have started a makeover when there wasn't another sales assistant there. Complain girl, she was rude.
ReplyDeleteThe service at Benefit can certainly be hit or miss. I went over to the counter at the weekend and it looked like they were having a meeting about sales targets while stood in front of the counter. I couldn't get any where near to look and they completely ignored me going "excuse me". Screw them, I went to Urban Decay instead.
ReplyDelete@Sirvinya oh my god that is bad!! Glad u went to UD instead lol x
ReplyDeleteI went to a counter the other day and got completely ignored. I was in there for atleast ten mins and not once did any of the idle assistants acknowledge me. Ugh. This sort of thing is the reason I boycott certain companies and take great pleasure in doing so lol I used to work in retail and I know that long hours and the work can get really tedious but I'd never take it out on the customers because they made my day. You really should complain. Even if you can't remember the exact details you should write or ring up Benefit/Debenhams and tell them exactly what was said. They might not discipline the individual but hopefully will stamp out shit customer service. X
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kerri. It might be over a week ago but so what? You should never be spoken to like that especially not by someone who is being paid to serve you and who works for a company you are a customer of! Local managers or stores might not take complaints too seriously because of loyalties and what not but head offices should be strict in passing on acting on complaints. Check the time and date on your receipt if you still have it and include it in your complaint. Its retail, they have rotas. Anyhoo I should stop ranting now, I've made myself too at home lol goodnight xxx
ReplyDeleteI hate bad customer service. It doesn't matter whether you are in MacDonalds or Selfridges, basic customer service should apply.
ReplyDeleteI would strongly suggest you contact Debenhams and make a complaint. Don't worry about it being a week ago (or longer) say that you weren't sure whether to complain but after some time thinking you decided it was right to complain so the appropriate action can be taken.
Meh - I hate rude sales staff!
@Lady RaRa @Rebecca You and the other commenters are completely right. I think I will write a letter. I wonder if I included 1 or 2 of the items i wanted 2 get (but didnt) whether they would send them to me as a way of apologising lol....wishful thinking? Oh well lol
ReplyDeleteDon't hold back! Write what you wanted, what you ended up getting, that you're a regular customer usually satisfied but v. Disappointed this time etc maybe mention that you have a blog or something which might worry them if they think you have a public platform to write about this experience. If you need a hand, don't have time etc to write it up I'll be more than happy to help lol I know its wierd but I love complaint letters (ones with good cause though not just whingeing!) Lol
ReplyDelete@Lady RaRa I am typing up the complaint letter into a word doc now to email to them. That is really sweet of you to offer to help..I might email it to you before I Send it to get your opinion if that's okay? if you are happy for this to happen send me a pm on youtube or dm on twitter) I didnt think about putting my blog on there lol....GOOD IDEA!!! HEHE
ReplyDeleteMore than happy! Will do x
ReplyDeleteHiya, I hope youre well! I cant find you on youtube??! I searched Joaellis and Makeup Mayhem lol... do i have the wrong name? if its quicker you can mail me imnotapenguin@live.co.uk x