Collective Purchase basically means random things that I have bought over a period of time. So bear in mind that I didn’t purchase everything included in the the next couple of posts in one day.
I’ve ordered from ELF (post will come asap) and obviously Mac. I also got a few other random things that you will hear about sometime in the future. (This includes something VERY exciting that I have wanted for AGES.)
In this post I will be showing you the 2nd lot of Mac Holiday collection purchases.
I’m only going to run through everything I bought in this post as I have rambled on way too much already. I will do separate posts on things that I feel I need to give further information on.
If you are a keen reader of my blog you will have seen my last Mac holiday collection post. I had a very long list of things I wanted. I originally I decided I didn’t want to spend too much money so I narrowed it down to just a few things.
When I received the 1st order there was a number of things I was kicking myself for not. However I was determined that I had spent enough.
This was until I ran out of Mac makeup remover wipes!!
I decided as I was ordering from Mac anyway I might as well get a couple more things from the collection. I’m also going to skip on the new collection Baroque Boudoir. (This is the collection with very posh looking packaging and it’s VERY expensive.)
Anyway back to the Holiday collection, There are still some things that I would’ve liked to get
but I decided I would leave the rest. (Yes I know 2 orders and I still didn’t get everything I wanted..)
I ended up getting the Devil May Care eye shadow Palette and the other 2 pigment vial sets.

I especially think the Pigment sets are a very good value for money at £27.50 each. I have all 3 from this collection and I will definitely buy the pigment sets again next year (if Mac sell them then..)
I thought I had taken a photo of the second set open..Obviously not...Oh well it basically looks the same apart from a different colour base to the box :)....I wish I had got at least 1 of the lip gloss sets, but never mind.
I think that is all I have to say for now. I will do another post at a later date and go into more detail if you want me to.
Hope you enjoyed. :) x
Ooh, I can't wait for photos!