In the shop it looked like a lovely deep purple colour, on the way home I realised it had a green iridescence, this made it very interesting as I thought it would be a very unique colour. I couldn’t wait to try it when I got home.
Much to my disappointment when I finally did get home I looked at it again, the lovely deep purple with green I had seen in the shop had GONE!! It was now a dark BLACK nail polish with Purple and Green iridescence. I couldn’t understand how it looked so pretty in the shop. I genuinely thought I had picked up the wrong colour. Nonetheless I thought I would try it in the hope that I was going to be pleasantly surprised. I put it on a couple of my nails...and as I expected it looked HORRIBLE on me.
Soon after I bought this nail polish I was chatting to my friend Becky (Aka Sirvinya) on blogtv. I told her about this little mistake and she said that she had wanted it for ages and it was always sold out. As I knew I was NEVER going to wear it I offered to send it to her along with a few extra bits.
There is an Excellent blogpost at so go and check it out if you want to hear her thoughts and see the other things I sent her. Just look for the post titled 'Swap with Jo.' :) Sorry there is no link. For some reason Blogger won't let it work. So you will have to just copy and paste and search for the post. Sorry :(.
In return Becky offered to get me something when she went to London. ... A SLEEK PALETTE!!!!
I have wanted this particular item ever since I started watching YouTube I have not been able to get my hands on one of these even though these are sold in a lot of Superdrug stores.
I was very excited when the parcel arrived. It had a very cute sticker on the back with her name and address. She also had a business card inside with a little note on the back saying she hoped I liked the goodies.

I also mentioned to Becky that I had quite a lot of empty MAC eye shadow pots.
Now, you may or may not know that you can depot your mac eyeshadows into a palette and return the empty pots for them to recycle. If you do this and take back 6 ‘Empties’ you can exchange them for a free lipstick.
As I have never done this before because I don’t live near a Mac store or counter I had quite a few pots piling up in my makeup collection. Becky was kind enough to exchange these for me.
It turned out I had 27 pots, this was enough for 4 lipsticks. There were 3 extra pots which she sent back to me to go towards anymore that I may get in the future.

Becky Also sent me a couple of Barrym Dazzle Dusts as extras.

I received Number 90 Pearly Mauve. I love to apply this wet as it really shows the pearliness. I think this is my favourite out of the 2...It’s Beautiful.

The other Dazzle Dust I got was Number 93 Block Blue. This appears to be a Matte Blue. It is also nice applied wet as it really shows the vibrancy of the colour. Both Dazzle Dusts are very pretty.

As with the lipsticks I will do a post on these but I will be combining them with the rest of my Dazzle Dust collection. I have 8 now.
I would just like to end this post by saying a very big Thankyou to you Becky. This was my 1st experience with swapping. It was very enjoyable and there is not one thing that I received that I don’t like.
I hope we can do it again sometime Becky...maybe...if you want ...hehe.
Thanks again.
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